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Sergio Kopeliovitch


Journeys for Peace and NY Peace Center

Architect and Painter, Kopeliovich is Director and Founder of the international “Journeys for Peace” program committed to the Clinton Global Initiative and recognized by the Peres Peace Center.

Sergio cooperates with global peace initiatives including the United Nations "International day of Peace", and the "Three Dot Dash Just Peace Summit" as a coalition partner for which he postulates GTL's (Global Teen Leaders) for its annual meeting in New York.

He is an art professor for the ICAF International Children Art Foundation World Children Festival, which held an exhibition in the Delegates’ Lounge of the United Nations celebrating the "Universal Children’s Day", where he directed a panel to discuss "Children’s Art for Peace" a Global Peace Initiative, focused on the use of the arts in promoting dialogue, fostering peace, and initiating mutual understanding among world cultures and civilizations.

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